Radio Play: ‘Disappear’

I recently wrote this new short radio play, called ‘Disappear’. It was recorded in Half Light Audio Cork, where I collaborated with audio producer / designer Conor Barron to create the finished product. This is the first in a series of projects under the banner of ‘Half-Light Audio Theatre’, radio plays that combines the talents of the best […]

Rest My Bones – Trailer

Here’s the new trailer for my newest short film, the horror / comedy  ‘Rest My Bones’.   Lewiston-Auburn Film Festival 2014 Cork Film Festival 2013 IndieCork Film Festival 2013 Fastnet Short Film Festival 2013 Dare Media Short Film Festival 2013 Fermoy Film Festival 2013 NOMINATED: Best Cinematography — Underground Film Festival 2013 NOMINATED: Best Sound […]

‘Rest My Bones’ Screenshots

Here are some screenshots from my upcoming short film ‘Rest My Bones’, which I wrote and directed.   It was filmed in October 2012, in various locations around Cork and produced with the kind financial assistance of the Cork City Council Arts Department. The film stars, among others, Frank Prendergast, James Browne, Charlie Ruxton and […]

‘Rest My Bones’ Production Stills

Here are some photos from the production of the upcoming short film ‘Rest My Bones’, which was written and directed by myself. Filming took place over four days and five locations in Cork city and county. Photos by Colm Ryan: